Crypto price forecast, AI price forecast
Cryptocurrency Price Forecasts by Analysts and Artificial Intelligence
Make better decisions for your crypto trading and investments through AI crypto price forecasts.
We have the latest and best crypto price predictions for all important and trending cryptocurrencies. Join us today and don’t miss this.
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What is AMP Crypto? What is the AMP Token?
The AMP token or coin is the native cryptocurrency of the Amp blockchain, is a collateralized token designed to speed up transactions in cryptocurrency networks, including the two largest in the world – Bitcoin and Ethereum.

What is Tectonic (TONIC)?
Tectonic is a decentralized non-custodial algorithmic money market protocol. Users can deposit assets to earn passive income or borrow funds to unlock liquidity in their assets.
crypto price forecast by artificial intelligence for crypto trading
Dont’ want to wait that long? See crypto price predictions for the next 6 hours.
Don’t wait. Profit from leveraged crypto trading right now.
Our artificial intelligence tells you where the price will be in 6 hours. This is perfect to place your next trade and profit from this. Start crypto trading with AI price forecasts today!
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Artificial Intelligence Crypto Trading FAQ
We help you with the most common asked question about AI trading and Crypticorn.
Why should I use Crypticorn?
More than 95% of crypto traders lose money because markets trade 24/7, with high volatility which make it difficult to make a decision to buy or sell. Many significant data such as blockchain metrics or sentiment analysis are hard to interpret by humans. That is why our AI processes all these information 24/7 and shows it to you via AI crypto signals, or you use our automated AI trading bots. If you are a active trader you can use our Prediction Dashboard to improve your trading.
Is it save to use? API Keys are the best way.
Safety and security is one of our main priorities. Besides Crypticorn does not store your funds, and our AI trading bots have access to your account on the exchange via API keys to trade only. You do not provide access to any other actions, and you are in full control of your funds.
What is a trading bot?
A trading bot is a computer program designed by traders or developers to buy and sell assets for you at the right time based on a trading strategy. A bot is also called an algorithm.
Is AI used in cryptocurrency?
AI is used in cryptocurrency trading or for special AI trading bots and AI crypto signals to predict the price of BTC, LTC and other coins and traded based on those price predictions.
Are crypto trading bots worth it?
In our opinion you won’t be profitable with simple Grid bots, dca bots or option bots. Those crypto trading bots are static and stupid bots that just do the same. But when the market changes – which it does in the crypto world very often – you will lose.
Artificial Intelligence crypot trading is different. It is worth, because our AI adjusts to the market and considers much more than technical indicators.
What is the best crypto trading bot?
Crypticorn’s AI trading bots are a master piece. You won’t find anyone able to compete with a bot that trades based on crypto price predictions from a superior AI. So we can clearly say that we are market leading with our artificial intelligence technology.
Can you automated crypto trading?
Automating AI crypto trading is what we offer here. We have multiple bots to automate crypto trading. From simple trading bots that follow every of our AI crypto signals to super complex AI trading bots that are self adjusting based on the price predictions.